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Whiplash is a neck injury that’s due to a forceful, rapid back and forth movement of the neck. It typically occurs during a rear-end auto accident but some people experience whiplash as a result of a sports-related accident. Symptoms include neck pain, headaches, tingling in the arms, and dizziness.

The Importance of Seeking Care Right Away

woman with neck pain making a phone callEven if you’re involved in a minor fender bender you can still sustain a whiplash injury. It may take a day or two, or sometimes months for symptoms to show up. Now what? We encourage you to get to our practice for an examination.

Gentle chiropractic adjustments can help to restore proper motion and position of spinal bones and promote the healing of whiplash.

Time is of the essence as the longer you wait the more unseen damage there is and the longer it may take to fully recover.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to recover?

Recovery time is dependent on the nature of the injury. Let’s say you have a muscle strain. In that case, neck pain might only last for a short while. On the other hand, strained ligaments can result in long-term pain. Rehabbing the neck back to a healthy state will take longer.

It’s important to remember that because each person’s body is different, healing time will vary from patient to patient. To completely heal from a neck injury, it could take several weeks or even months even with frequent chiropractic care.

Why do minor collisions cause significant trauma to the spine?

Put simply, in a more forceful automobile accident, the car absorbs much of the energy. In those more common parking lot fender benders the energy is more directly transferred to the driver and passengers.

Can I prevent a whiplash injury?

There’s no way to completely prevent whiplash. However, since auto accidents are the primary cause of whiplash injuries, defensive driving skills are valuable. Make sure your taillights and turn signals are working properly. Always allow enough stopping distance in front of you.

Book an Appointment

If you have experienced whiplash, it’s important to get prompt care. Contact us right away.



*At Happy Spine we are registered chiropractors and follow the NZ chiropractic code of ethics.