Chiropractic Results
Chiropractic has been shown to be effective in adults for acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain; for migraine and cervicogenic headache; cervicogenic dizziness; and a number of upper and lower extremity joint conditions.
Here is a more complete list:

Researchers have confirmed that chiropractors often produce proven results for certain health complaints.
- Acute low back pain
- Chronic low back pain
- Acute/subacute neck pain
- Chronic neck pain
- Tennis elbow
- Hip osteoarthritis
- Knee osteoarthritis
- Shoulder girdle pain /dysfunction
- Adhesive capsulitis
- Acute whiplash-associated disorders
- Patellofemoral pain syndrome
- Plantar fasciitis
- Migraine headache
- Cervicogenic headache
- Cervicogenic dizziness
If you don’t see your particular health issue listed here, but you suspect that chiropractic care could be helpful, please contact us. If we think we can help, we’ll tell you. If we don’t think we can help, we’ll refer you to someone who we think can.