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The Ideal Happy Spine Client

We believe in order for you to be successful with our chiropractic care we need to work together. Happy Spine is an office that takes a ‘done with you’ not a ‘done for you’ approach. Please review out ideal patient characteristics to find out if what we deliver is what you are looking to find.

Your Commitment To Us

  • Open minded with considering a natural strategy for managing and when possible eliminating the condition
  • Believe in the possibility of resolving issues without the aid of unnecessary pharmaceutical drugs
  • Readiness to change your lifestyle to achieve a desirable outcome
  • Understanding that health is our most important asset and that without it we cannot live the life we wish to live
  • Trust that chiropractic and removing out life stressors and improving nervous system function are the solutions

Our Commitment To You

  • A comprehensive initial exam where you will leave knowing exactly what the problem is and with a tailored plan of action to achieve you goal
  • Access to complimentary health classes covering all aspects from nutrition to yoga.
  • We will equip you with strategies and exercises to use at home alongside your chiropractic care to make it more effective.
  • We promise to do our best to help you and to be honest if this is not the right place to get you the results you want.

If you are ready to commit to living a life of heath and wellness, then we are absolutely the right fit for you! We will do all we can to empower, equip and move you to make you life more alive than ever before! We are excited about the possibility of helping you.

What’s The Next Step?

In our experience practice members and their families have many questions about what we can do and how we can help them. This is why we recommended coming to one of our half hour to health fast track classes before your initial consultation. These classes run weekly on Tuesday nights at 6.20pm and are free to attend for you and your family or friends. At this workshop you will learn exactly what to expect and how to get the most out of your care. It also gives you an oppourtunity to voice any questions or concerns to the chiropractor.

Want to Learn More?

Please give us a call to RSVP. We look forward to meeting you soon.



The Ideal Happy Spine Client | 03 348 3536